
Alone in a foreign country

Guest post by Collin McMahon about the Magdeburg assassin

While the Islamist motives of the attacker in New Orleans on New Year’s Eve are clear, there is still speculation in Germany about the motives of the Magdeburg attacker. Interview with ex-Muslim activist Yasmine Mohammed. More here.

©Yasmine Mohammed
Travel USA World

On the road: Montana, part 6

Canadian wild geese, childhood memories and a song

Flathead Lake in early January ©Rebecca Hillauer

My favorite subject here on the north shore of Flathead Lake are the Canadian wild geese that gather here and in the surrounding fields. I love their calls. They inevitably bring back fond memories. More here.

Culture Muslim world Travel USA

Happy New Year 2025!

The suspected Islamist terrorist attack in New Orleans overshadows the start of the new year.

Will people in the USA, as in Germany, soon think twice about going to outdoor festivities and entertainment districts? Let’s defy the terrorists with joie de vivre! In Woods Bay, Montana, people do this on New Year’s Day with the “Polar Bear Plunge” into the ice-cold water of Flathead Lake.

Muslim world Politics Women

How long will women be allowed to breathe?

Afghanistan: women’s rights continue to be restricted.

The systematic eradication of women from public life continues with a new Taliban decree. Nevertheless, the USA and Germany, for example, continue to finance humanitarian aid projects. What do Afghan women’s rights activists say about this? More here.

From X ©unknown
Comment Muslim world Politics

One more domino in the Middle East

Syria: Once again, a secular state falls into the hands of radical Muslims.

Shisha Cafe in Cairo  ©Rebecca Hillauer

No sooner has Donald Trump won the presidential election in the USA than Bashar al-Assad is overthrown by Islamist “rebels” in Syria – after thirteen years of civil war. Who believes in a coincidence of timing? A solo effort by the militias? My thoughts on this and some personal memories. More here.


Note from the road

To everyone celebrating Christmas on today’s Christmas Eve: PEACEFUL HOLIDAYS!

“Mary walking through the thorn forest” (arr. Jonas Wolf)
Comment Muslim world Politics

Minute’s silence for Saudi dissidents

The attack in Magdeburg sheds light on situation in Saudi Arabia.

A man from Saudi Arabia carries out a terrorist attack on a Christmas market in Germany. I notice a post on his “X” account about human rights violations in Saudi Arabia. In my opinion, this aspect is part of the reporting on the attack. More here.

Imprisoned for online posts ©Call for her release
Culture USA

“The Indian” is gone

On the death of Terry Ree: Dakota Sioux, musician, comedian

Bruce Williams and Terry Ree (r.) ©Rebecca Hillauer

They were a successful music-comedy duo for 55 years. Their political incorrectness made “The Indian and the White Guy” from the US state of South Dakota legendary in both cultures. Now Terry Ree, the “Indian”, passed on. He was 75 years old. More here.

Travel USA

On the road: Montana, part 5

Flight over Flathead Lake and Christmas Stroll in Whitefish

On the farm: view from my bedroom ©Rebecca Hillauer

I’m back where I was a year ago at the same time: in Montana. Just like then, I’m waiting for “real” snow. I have three things planned for this stay in Big Sky Country, the “land of the big sky”. And then there are all kinds of surprises along the way.. More here.