
What is the most important thing you could be working on in the world right now?
And if you’re not working on that, why aren’t you?

Aaron Swartz (1986-2013)

Beverly Warnock ©private

Self-help: Parents and relatives of Murdered Children

Domestic violence is the number one homicide in the United States.

The parents of murdered 19-year-old Lisa Hullinger founded the self-help organization Parents of Murdered Children in 1978 in the state of Ohio. POMC now has a national presence and Beverly Warnock is the executive director.

Interview Beverly Warnock, September 30, 2023 ©Rebecca Hillauer

(Correction: Lisa Hullinger’s murderer was not released after 18 months but already after 16 months.)

Please also read my text about the history of the organization here on my website.

Arlo Hemphill ©private

Deep Sea Mining

Prohibit? Permit? Regulate?

Should we mine mineral resources in the deep sea, even though this could damage unique ecosystems and wipe out entire species? Interview on the occasion of the negotiations of the International Seabed Authority in Kingston, Jamaica, with Arlo Hemphill, political advisor at Greenpeace USA. He begins by explaining the role of the United States, which has not ratified the International Convention on the Law of the Sea but has signed it.

Interview Arlo Hemphill, July 23, 2023 ©Rebecca Hillauer

Read the text of my radio report about the negotiations in July 2023.