Women World

Children with rebel blood

Help for rape victims and their families in Eastern Congo

In Eastern Congo, a raped woman means shame for the family and the community. For this reason, hardly anyone wants to take care of children born of rape. Aid organisations try to break this cycle of violence through education and family therapy.

> online text

Politics World

Eastern Congo: “fair cell phones” for a peaceful life

Rebels in Congo finance their terror with illegal income from the sale of raw materials.

For example, they sell coltan – for the production of cell phone capacitors. The GErman Catholic aid organization missio wants to prevent this in the future. An interview with its project partner, the Congolese Priest Justin Nkunzi

> article

Politics Portrait Women World

Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has written her autobiography, A Life for Liberia. A few days after her birth, she says at the beginning, an old man visited her parents to look at the newborn and wish her luck. And said, “This child will go to the top.” He was right: the girl became the first woman in Africa to attain the office of head of state through an election. In 2011, she received the Nobel Peace Prize.

> article

Politics World

Young souls, cheap goods – children in sex tourism

The business of the sex mafia with children is flourishing worldwide. For example, in the Philippines

Along with drug and arms trafficking, sex tourism is one of the most lucrative sources of income in the organized crime sector. Child rights organizations estimate that every year half a million men fly from Europe alone to Third World countries as clients. The young victims pay the price. They often suffer the consequences of sexual abuse for the rest of their lives. In the Philippines, an Irish priest and local nuns work with children who have been victims of the sex mafia. But the entanglements reach all the way to Europe.

This radio feature won the

Children in sex tourism, Radio Berlin-Brandenburg, Januar 18, 2009
Politics World

Children with AIDS in South Africa

The chances of survival against HIV are still low

Around 700,000 children worldwide are still infected with HIV every year, most of them in southern Africa. Medicines could drastically reduce the infection rate of infants and increase the life expectancy of infected children. However, there is a lack of well-equipped medical facilities, affordable medicines, and social and political measures for prevention.

> radio report

Politics World

Sex tourism with children

In Cambodia and the Philippines, two projects offer help to affected children

French-born Pierre Legros and his wife, a Cambodian, founded the human rights organization AFESIP in her homeland. In the Philippines, an Irish priest, Father Shay Cullen, runs the Preda Child Protection Center. Both not only care for victims of child prostitution, but also push for the prosecution of perpetrators. However, the risk to criminal gangs and sex tourists is still negligible.

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