Culture Politics World

Closed until victory

The Second World War began 85 years ago. And the “sitting war” in Alsace.

The war began on September 1, 1939 – in the East. Strasbourg was evacuated on the same day. 400,000 people had to leave Alsace and Lorraine. Ghost towns, cats and dogs were left behind. More here.

Evacuation of Strasburg ©Mémorial Alsace-Moselle
Culture Muslim world Politics World

Muslim slave trade in pre-colonial Africa

August 23: International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition

Even before Europe’s colonial rulers divided up Africa, Africans hunted Africans and sold them to Muslim slave traders who exported them to the Arabian Peninsula or further. While the Europeans ruthlessly exploited their colonies, they also abolished human trafficking within Africa. More here.

Culture USA Women

Note from the road

August 9: 30th International Day of World’s Indigenous Peoples

As part of the exhibition “Matriarchs of Wounded Knee – the strong Indigenous women” in Munich, a Zoom call with activist Marcella Gilbert and film director Elizabeth Castle (“Warrior Women”) will take place at 1pm EST via Link.

Marcella Gilbert at the UN ©Warrior Women Project
Culture Portrait World

Note from the road

July 27: 30th anniversary of Kevin Carter’s death

His photo from Sudan went around the world in March 1993: a child, emaciated to the skeleton, crouches in the sand while a vulture lurks behind him. Kevin Carter received the Pulitzer Prize for this work. Two months later, the South African committed suicide in Johannesburg. More here.

Kevin Carter / Rebecca Hearfield
Culture USA Women

Women’s pants and music

An extraordinary music festival once again in Montana.

Main stage at the Red Ants Pants Music Festival ©Rebecca Hillauer

It’s that time of year again: from July 25 to 28, a cattle pasture in the Montana outback is transformed into the venue for the Red Ants Pants Music Festival. The venue, created by women’s pants manufacturer Sarah Calhoun, is THE event for music lovers – and fundraisers for women’s projects and community projects every year. More here.

Culture Travel World

Traveling as peace mission

75 years SERVAS International: an old idea stays young.

From the website of ©Servas International

Founded in July 1949 by the US-American conscientious objector Bob Luitweiler, the network is dedicated to bringing together travelers and hosts from all over the world. Interpersonal encounters are to build understanding, tolerance and world peace. More here.

Culture USA

Genealogy made easy

The Family Search Library in Salt Lake City

Family Search Library ©Rebecca Hillauer

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, commonly known as Mormons, operates the Family Search Library in the US state of Utah: the world’s largest genealogical data collection. Visitors can search for their ancestors – free of charge. Genealogical research is also possible via home computer. More here.

Culture USA

Always rethinking God and the world

Encounter with a group of Jewish “Reconstructionists”

Mattathias, Spirit Lipovich-Read (f.l.), Karen Nielson-Anson (2.f.r.) ©private

Reconstructionism is considered the most progressive movement in Judaism. Some of its followers have formed a community in Salt Lake City. With a strong sense of community as well as social and ecological commitment. More here.

Culture Guest post Politics World

Why are there no African soccer world champions?

Guest post by Volker Seitz on the occasion of the European Championship

The enthusiasm for soccer in Africa is almost limitless. There are even two championships on the continent: the Africa Cup and African Nations Championship. Only players who play in the national leagues of their home countries are eligible for the latter. More here.

African young soccer talents ©Brian Odwar, Pixabay
Culture Portrait USA

Note from the road

27 years ago: death of singer-songwriter Jeff Buckley

Find YouTube @HeardItInALoveSong

On June 4, 1997, the body of Jeff Buckley was found on the banks of the Mississippi. Accident or suicide? He was 30 years old. Unforgotten: his version of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”.